Build a Thriving Brand Course

This is a branding course with a difference.

You may have seen or done other branding courses where they always lead with your ideal client.
Well in this one you won’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that knowing who your ideal client is is so very important, but knowing who you are and who your business is first is the key to a great brand that aligns with you and your ideal client.

You can change who your ideal client is based on you and your values, you can’t change who you fundamentally are to suit an audience. That will just surface as being inauthentic and forced and your audience will know that.

Remember, your ideal client is an extension of you, you are not an extension of your ideal client.

Course structure

The course is delivered over 5 modules and we’re going to really get to know you and your business.

Over the 5 modules you will be looking at:
🔵Your story
🔵Your purpose and your mission
🔵Your values
🔵Your vision
🔵Your definition of success and your BHAG (that’s your Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

It should only take roughly an hour per module to complete but as each module really gets you to think deeply you may want to take more time.
This course is for you so take your time.

Course investment £100

Ready to really get to know you and your brand?

Sign up to the Build a Thriving Brand course below

*This link takes you to my GoCardless payment page.
If you have any problems completing payment please email me.





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© 2025 Sara Truckel
Trading as Truckel Creative